100% Natuurlijke CBD leverancier

Our CBD oil is a highly concentrated oil-based coconut and which contains a very high percentage of pure CBD.
The percentage of CBD oil is so high because it is pure CBD oil and any other ingredients such as other cbd (raw) oils.
the CBD oil uses only the tops of the hemp plant, because in this area the most CBD is located.
the hemp plants are 100% certified organically grown on fields and on traditional mode selected manually.


Objectives CBD

We are located in Netherlands. Through our own experiences with CBD oil and the extensive knowledge and genuine interest of our team, we are able to create a supplement for specific CBD-users.
We are continuously working to develop a new formula and improving the composition of our product. What we produce is completely herbal and organic. We have a passion for our customers and our product. So we know better than anyone how important it is to deliver a reliable product to our customers. The policy of our organization is that we no pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, use chemical fertilizers or chemicals so that the purity of our product could be affected in the production phase.

Customer Satisfaction

Our goals do not end with the product. We pride ourselves on our customer service and we try to make your transaction as smooth as possible. Even after the purchase! We offer you the best possible support to our customer in the Netherlands. For questions and / or feedback, you can always contact us via our contact page.

We can not give medical advice or health legal reasons related to our CBD products. When in doubt, we always recommend consulting a doctor.