Frequently asked Questions

CBD, also called cannabidiol, extracted from hemp plants. CBD oil contains a lot of our CBD and CBD oil contains no THC 0.0% (!!). Of the CBD in the oil can not be high or stoned and it has a beneficial effect. CBD oil is used by people with a variety of complaints. Learn more about what’s CBD think.

Our CBD oil is legal all over the world. CBD oil is made from hemp. In the Netherlands there are many legal hemp grown for the production of CBD oil. Our CBD oil is completely organic and free of THC.

Because our oil CBD absolutely no psychoactive substances such contains THC, CBD does the oil do not mind-blowing. In CBD, the oil goes to the active substance, cannabidiol, from which the medicinal effects is determined by scientific research and has been demonstrated in reports.

The effect of cannabidiol (CBD) in recent years, much research. There have been numerous indications that CBD may have a beneficial effect on many physical and psychological symptoms. Cannabinoids (CBD) are seen by many as a potential heavy pain medicine or a medicine against nausea and vomiting. Internet is called CBD as the new miracle cure for heavy pain; it takes a lot of scientific research rather than to confirm this. Increasingly serious scientific research works that CBD oil helps to suppress include pain, psychosis and seizures. Positive results are being reported in ADHD, Depression, Diabetes, Glaucoma, Migraines, obesity, Sleep, Stress, Fibromyalgia, Chronic pain and rheumatism.

Our CBD oil has no side effects and is a safe drug, if used as directed. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is wise to start with 1-3 drops of oil 2-3 times a day. More information on dosing can be found in the instructions on the package.

CBD oil remains the best kept in a cool, dark environment. In the refrigerator oil continues to CBD from 1 to 2 year shelf life, even though the quality or decreases. It is advisable to use CBD oil at room temperature.

The delivery time is 1-3 workdays.

You can easily place an order through the CBD Shopgo and select your desired product (s).

You can safely via PayPal and other popular payment methods online payment.

To cancel or change your order, please contact us via the contact form.

Shipping costs are amounts under € 45, – once € 4.95.

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